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Arkansas’ INSPARK
Rapid Building Inspection Program

For INSPARK Members

INSPARK (INSpect ARKansas) is a volunteer building inspection program that assesses buildings after disasters.

The INSPARK program is administered by the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM). INSPARK volunteers are trained to assess potentially unsafe buildings/conditions using nationally accepted post-disaster safety evaluation standards developed by the Applied Technology Council. Visit the links below to find out more.


Free one day trainings on ATC-20 which is written specifically for volunteers, many of whom are engineers, architects, and building inspectors.


INSPARK members must maintain their ATC-20 certification by recertifying every 3 years. Trainings are offered throughout the state.


For information about INSPARK, upcoming training opportunities, or volunteering with INSPARK, please contact the ADEM Earthquake Program Manager.


See how the certified volunteer INSPARK rapid visual building inspectors are changing the way we respond to disasters.


INSPARK, is a volunteer building inspection program that assess buildings after disasters, including earthquakes, wind damage, and tornados.

INSPARK is the second largest organized building inspection program in the mid-west. Our members are trained to assess structures for safety after a disaster, before re-entry.

Did You Feel It?

Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps that show what people experienced and the extent of damage that was caused. Visit DYFI to record earthquakes you feel.